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Learner-Centered Evaluation以学习者为中心的评价  

2011-05-20 17:14:37|  分类: 高等教育 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Posted Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 at 10:46 am by Maryellen Weimer

“If the shift from the instructional to the learning paradigm is to have a lasting impact on education, it must influence not only how people think about teaching but also how teaching is evaluated. Evaluation is one of the primary means by which an institution conveys what is valuable and important to its members. If institutions fail to emphasize student learning in their evaluation practices, they will find it very difficult to promote a focus on student learning. Evaluation practices must be aligned with and support the learning paradigm.” (p. 345)

如果教学范式向学习范式的转变对教育产生持续的影响,这必然不仅仅影响人们怎样对教学进行思考,同时也要对如何对教学进行评价产生影响。 评价是一所院校给其成员传递什么是有价值的和重要的一种基本手段。如果院校无法在其评价实践中强调学生的学习,他们就会发现要聚集于学生的学习是很困难的。评价实践必须与支持学习范式相匹配。(p.345


Trav D. Johnson makes this very important point in an article on learning-centered evaluation. He correctly observes that most end-of-course rating systems still focus on teacher performance and course characteristics. This means the purpose and focus of these evaluation activities need to change. In the learning paradigm, “the purpose of evaluating teaching is to determine the effectiveness of teaching in increasing student learning.” (p. 336)



And what questions might be asked on a learning-centered evaluation instrument? Johnson recommends questions in the following four areas. I’ve also included a couple of the same questions he proposes for each.



Learning Goals: What are students expected to learn? Are these the most valuable/important learning goals from student in this course?



Learning Activities: What learning activities are students expected to engage in? Are learning activities designed to maximize student achievement of the learning goals?

学习活动:哪些学习活动是学生所希望参与的?为学生达成最优的学习目标 ,对学习活动进行合理设计了吗?


Learning Assessments: How is student learning assessed in this course? Are assessments accurate measures of student learning?



Learning Outcomes: What evidence can demonstrate that students learned what was expected? Have students achieved the learning goals?



Reference: Johnson, T. D. (2009). Learner-centered evaluation of teaching. In Nilson, L. B. and Miller, J. E., (eds.) To Improve the Academy, 27, 332-348.

参考文献:约翰逊,T. D.(2009). 以学习者为中心的教学评价. 收于尼尔森, L. B. 和米勒,J. E.编辑的提升大学,27卷,332-348页。

Text in English is from http://www.teachingprofessor.com/articles/teaching-and-learning/learner-centered-evaluation. 中文部分由浙江师范大学Vick Zhou20115月整理翻译,如有不当部分,欢迎批评指正,explorer365@hotmail.com

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